Four. Yep, four. That is the number of things I have either completely destroyed, or at least partially destroyed, by dropping them (often repeatedly), since arriving on the continent.
First, there was the balsamic vinegar incident, which was definitely the most public, most embarassing, messy, and mattered least.
Second there was the double whammy converter/ipod charger drop, which has likely had the most negative impact. The bathroom floors here are extremely hard, and in order to charge things you have to plug in your adaptor (which we purchased from a street vendor, because the one we brought from Canada was incorrect), then your converter, and then whatever it is you are trying to charge/use. At the best of times this combo doesn't work very well. The hair dryer will either work not at all, or will decide to quit for apparently unknown reasons (it sometimes gets extremely hot). While charging my ipod the ipod itself gets quite 'prickly' and does a little vibrate. It is always a good idea not to touch the ipod while it is charging. I could handle all of this, until that fateful day, when I dropped the converter/charger combo right on the very hard bathroom ground. The converter is a bit cracked, but can be very easily pushed back together (we aren't sure how well it is doing its job anyways), the real problem is the ipod charger. I knew for sometime that it was on the downhill spiral, because I could see cracks in it. This week, the unthinkable happened. At first pieces of plastic were merely falling off it. Then one of the prongs fell off, but were easily put back together. I reconstructed it and Jo attempted to charge her ipod, which involved some sparking, and no charging.
As a result, I am off wandering around Buenos Aires, in search of an ipod charger. Not what I was hoping to do on this beautiful day. I would prefer to wander with no destination....just kidding.
Number four is my headlamp (which has proved to be so, so useful). Of course, I dropped it, several times. One of the plastic pieces holding it to the headband snapped right off. Never fear, it still works, it is just better as a necklace now.
Alright, return to my search. Anyone know the word for 'charger' in Spanish? Just kidding. Cargador.
Over and out.
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